Photo Have a Nice Day

Photo Have a Nice Day
Have a Nice Day

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Uncommon Common Sense



Uncommon Common Sense

Allegories Ideas and Observations

Copyright 2015 Heritage Productions
NOTE: The following is a Sampling from a Manuscript
              pending Publishing for your Consideration.

According To Your Abilities
Copyright 2009 Michael Gibbowr

Well, here I am again fresh in from my routine trek through the Tree-line it’s about quarter past seven in the morning, at about forty maybe forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. It was a quiet, clear night, after a relentless week of rain and high winds. My campfire was blazing bright once it finally got going, my stores of kindling and timber were dry for the most part, but some of it did get a taste of the weather. I may build a little lean-to by my campsite to cut back on exposure to the elements. I don’t like using tarps when a natural cover can be thrown together.
Anyway, as dawn began to subdue the last remnants of twilight, I found myself thinking how much I’m going to miss this ole familiar spot once I move. Obviously I’ve been looking at property’s that will meet my need for solitude. This has been, and continues to be a topic of distraction, however, it certainly doesn’t take long for me to embrace the moment at hand sheltered under natures canopy.
 And yes, I realize at first glance that some folks will fail to see the lure of sitting quietly by a fire. But as the embers of my illuminating blaze were dwindling to ash, my gaze into this transformation was interrupted by the sense of movement in my peripheral view. Slowly I adjusted my sight to the edge of the tree-line, to a small clearing, where my old friend Mother Fox came into focus. No more than
a stones throw away she spotted me, cautiously gazed in my direction, we locked eyes for ten, maybe fifteen seconds, then upon realizing it was just an old acquaintance who posed her no particular threat she nonchalantly continued about her business tracking her intended meal. As she slowly drifted out of sight I was reminded of our many encounters with one another around my campsite, as well as what I consider our formal introduction. One night in particular a few years back, while going for a walk to clear my head, we just happen to each become oblivious to our surroundings and found ourselves eyeball to eyeball. We were maybe ten to fifteen feet away from one another. We’d seen each other from time to time in the Tree-line, but now here we were face to face as it were.
Neither of us intimidated by the other, we took a good long gander she of me, and I of her. Then to my surprise, and I have to say delight, she slowly and cautiously moved towards me, sniffing and looking me up and down to gauge my intentions. After all, it’s not like we were strangers, we’d seen one another around. Anyway, she ended up getting to maybe two feet in front of me, sniffing and sizing me up before she decided I was a tolerable enough neighbor. She took a few steps back, then casually turned to her left, and my right to continue tracking her dinner.
Being a bit of an outdoorsman, you get the sense of things pretty quickly in the tree-line. So the idea of this fox being a threat due to rabies, or my having gotten to close to her young was considered before being dismissed in light of her posture and what proved an obvious curiosity, I of her, and she of me. Had this encounter been one in which the fox would have to have been dispatched, I was not only capable, but duly prepared for such a probability. When you spend as much time as I do off the beaten path, you do your due diligence.
Which brings me back to my little campfire; where I’ve been fortunate in having encountered many of the indigenous wildlife first hand, the fox, coyote, coy-dog, deer, beaver, you get the gist. I’ve observed these and several other species here in their natural habitat, first because they’ve become accustomed to my presence. Second, and more importantly, because of knowing and understanding the environment in which I’ve set up my camp. Where thirdly; with the exception of my campfire… I limit my activity to actions that do not pose a threat or interruption to the natural behavior patterns of the wildlife indigenous to the area.
That said, it’s not just about knowledge, or appreciation of my surroundings, it’s also about respect for the individual characteristics represented in each species within this domain. Fact is; there’s so much we can learn from nature and apply to our daily life, some of it simple, some of it profound. But I suppose the important thing is that we don’t close our eyes to the obvious, or complicate the simple things that are within our power to address. Hey, you don’t need me to tell you that, you already know. We just need a reminder from time to time to appreciate and respect what, and who we have right here in front of us, right now. For me it’s my simple campfires, and time spent observing the tree-lines inhabitants do what they do to survive and thrive within their natural habitat. The question you might consider asking yourself is, what that is for you ?
The Servant…
And The Sage of the Serengeti
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr

The Lion and the Mouse
Are an Unlikely Pai
One the King of Beasts the other a Scavenger
Adapt at negotiating Serengeti Fare
The Lion a Predator
Whose only threat is Man
Imposes his will
Throughout his whole lifespan


The Mouse an Opportunist
Content to avoid being Prey
Busies himself with his own affairs
A course from which he seldom strays
The Lion ever mindful
Of the needs of the Pride
Ensures their better interests
Remain his daily Guide


As to our unlikely Allies
They one day meet by chance
When the Rodent sought Leftovers
He had spied at a glance
Distracted by hunger he neglected
The Rodents number one rule
Be not too hasty
Lest you prove yourself a fool


So in his foolishness
He clumsily crossed the Lions Path
What followed…?
Well, you do the math
The Lion caught the encroacher
His paw pinning him by the tail
Then proceeded to question the Mouse
“To what end did you think to avail”?


“Did you think to take a morsel
From me or my Pride
Would be the sort of matter
I would long abide?
Or did you think me too feeble
To contest such a foe
Who scurries the Serengeti
Scavenging too and fro?


Alas, you must have thought yourself
More clever than I
And so now for a fool’s errand
I bid you prepare to die”
The Mouse trembling in fear
Promptly dropped to his knees
Pleading to the Lion…
“Have mercy, I beg you Please!”

“For who knows what service
Your servant might one day provide
On behalf of your Majesty
Or your Noble Pride
Grant me in your Greatness
My insignificant life
And I pledge to never again
Cause you one iota of strife”


The Lion magnanimously conceded
To the trembling Mouse’s Plea
But before his release was reminded
“You owe your Life and freedom to Me”
Time passed and in due course
The Lion now advanced with age
Appointed an Heir to his Kingdom
As he retired as its Noble Sage


His time now taken up
With natures curiosities
He set about exploring the Serengeti
Doing as he Pleased
But one dreadful day he found himself
Trapped in a Humans debilitating Net
Where despite his vast power and insight
Freedom was not his to get


It was then… in this perilous time and place
The Mouse whose life the Lion had once spared
Scurried along the Trap
Where the Lion had been snared
Then as he swiftly chewed away
At the Snares entangling ropes
He reminded the Lion of his Mercy toward him
When he had no cause to hope


And that the kindness of life and Freedom
That upon him was bestowed
Was a debt he never forgot
Or to whom the debt was owed
Soon the Lion was free from the Humans Snare
Thanks to the Mouse’s clever ingenuity
With the sincerest gratitude
Of the Sage of the Serengeti


The two remained the best of friends
Throughout the remainder of their days
Ever Mindful of a twist of fate
And their Journeys intersecting ways
Now I would that you consider the gesture of Mercy
When it was in the Lions Power to Give
To a self-centered soul whose only interest
Had been the life of leisure he’d chose to live


Consider too the Lions Obligation
To the Lioness and their brood
To be their guardian and protector
While ensuring there’s sufficient food
Any sign of weakness
Would invite trouble round-about
From any would be Usurpers
Who perceived his prowess to be in doubt


Yet this Noble Creature took pity
On the wayward rodents Plight
Providing an opportunity
For him to change his ways and set things aright
Never expecting that he would one day
The benefactor of this action be
And yet, a kindness passed along
Proved the pivotal provocation
To secure the legacy of the Sage of the Serengeti

For The Spartan Name 
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr


In Ancient Greece lived a Warrior Breed
Bound by Honor to a Humble Creed
No Retreat No Surrender
To the Death Pledged Every Member

Obliged to One Thing and One Alone
Bring Back Your Shield or Be Carried On It Home
Citizen Soldiers of Sparta knew No Regret
For Each to the Other Were In Debt

Not by Houses and Lands or Earthly Gain
But by Blood and Sinew and the Spartan Name
In such a time spoke the Spartan King
When the Persian Empire War did bring

As to this Land of Warriors True
May such be said of such as you…?
“You Spartans gathered with me this night…”
King Leonidas thundered before their Perilous Fight

“What Dark Purpose Steals the Sleep
Of an Honorable Man?
What Malcontent Misery
Stays the Steadfast Hand?

Who Dares Defy the Breaking of Destiny’s Dawn?
Where is he who can withstand the Noble Born?
Let such as thinks himself Suited to the Task
Of his Conscious this Question Ask...

To What End and Purpose be his Plight?
And if he Be Fit for a Furious Fight?
For such as they who by Honor Live
Despite Depravations Have All to Give

As All one has be it Great or Small
Is at a Noble Man’s Beckon Call
He thus Will Fight and Bleed for Country’s Cause
Not for Glory, Gain or Men’s Applause

Because he Knows his Cause is Right
Though his Mortality be Pondered through the Night
Thus to the Persians we decree…
“Fan the Foul Flame of your ills if you must
Only Be thou Warned of The Unyielding Thrust

Of He Who Stands For More Than He
Whose Cause is Driven By Destiny!”
“To this end my Compatriots We Lend Our Swords
Withholding naught But Breath In This Accord

To Preserve What Is Right and Good and True…”
“You Servants of Xerxes will the same be said of You?”
King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans Strong
Fought and Died but have been Remembered Long

For Courage For Character
For More than Self or Gain
For Duty For Honor
For The Spartan Name! 


The Stag the Huntsman and the Hound
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr

The Stag is a fleet of foot inhabitant
Of the Woodland where the River flows
Intuitive and insightful… there’s little
About his environment beyond what he knows

The Doe and Fawns in his care
Admire his speed and agility
But trust him with their lives
For his deeds have the hint of Nobility

The Hound is a sturdy K-9
Who seldom looses his subject’s scent
The companion of the Huntsman
Known to pursue his prey without relent

Though well fed and cared for
He knows his fortunes fickle in the hands of men
For should he fail to do their bidding
He knows he too will come to an untimely end

The Huntsman adapt at tracking
And living off the Land
Is also an expert marksman with Long-irons, Bow,
Knives, Axes or any other weapons at his command

A former Soldier in the War to end all Wars
He knows full well what it takes to survive
And in the Woodland where he lives
His skills ensure that such as he will thrive

You see now how each with his own motivation
Are inclined to give their all
For in their given efforts
Their fortunes rise or fall

That said, let us venture
To the Woodland at the Rivers bank
Where the Stag and several Doe
With their Fawns are formed in ranks

The Mature the Yearlings and Innocent among them
Are all at leisure in their secluded sanctuary
Until the Huntsman and his Hound discover
What was thought their inaccessible Territory

The Stag sternly admonishes his subjects
“In all directions flee…
As to the Huntsman and his Hound
Leave the matter to be attended to by me”

He thus presents himself plainly
Within the Huntsman’s view
Giving ample cause
That he alone should be pursued

For his large muscular frame
And distinguished Twelve-Point-Rack
Are a continuously coveted trophy
That ensure that he alone will be the one they track

The chase goes on for quite a while
With the Stag leading his Pursuers away from family
Knowing that to truly spare them this day
A sacrifice will be required presently

So he picks the time and place
Furthest from all that he holds dear
And feigns a frenzied fatigue
As he senses the Huntsman and Hound draw near

A shot rigs out within the Woodland
And the mighty Stag he falls
His pursuers content to have bagged such a trophy
Wherein the pursuer and pursued truly gave their all

The Huntsman has measured meat for his table
A hide for clothing to be worn
And a trophy mount
His cabins walls to adorn

The Stag has provided ample time
For his Herd to discover a new refuge to call home
And set an example of courage for the Yearlings
Long after he’s been gone

Perhaps this troubling tale
Rings resounding reason for regret
Perhaps this prescription for courage
Of feats of fidelity the Forest won’t soon forget

Might teach us all the sanctity of sacrifice
For what matters most of all
And how important it is to appreciate life
Whether your fortunes rise or fall

For who knows what troubles might beset us
In the days and weeks ahead
While in the happiness of our habitat
Wherein we seem secure from our deepest dread

May we all be measured
With the nobility of the Stag
And dare deeds worthy of repeating
Wherein our heirs might never have cause to lag

Saying those who’ve gone before me
Are a standard in whose shadow I hope to stand
Eager to enrich the world in which they live
Through all that’s within their power to command

Perhaps this tale will teach us too
The world revolves around more than me and you
Perhaps we’ll even appreciate another’s point of view
Considering the cause of others in all we say and do

All of this is a lot to ask
From the story of the Stag
But who knows what pearls of wisdom
May yet be yielded when not inclined to boast or brag


None Will Soon Forget
(The Oak)
Copyright 2012 Michael Gibbowr

From an acorn to a mighty oak…
From humble beginnings, to the standard of excellence one invokes
This is my natural history
A marvel of nature for all to see…
My roots go deep and long
My trunk is stout and strong
My branches reach for the deep blue sky
My leaves offer shade to the passer-bye
The winds greet me and bid their due
The sun and rain my strength renew
My leaves blanket the earth with color in the fall
In winter the snow covers all, yet I stand tall…
In spring I beckon birds, squirrels, chipmunks
And raccoon to call me home…
As I blossom and leaf
I provide a comfort-zone…
For all of nature and even man
To benefit from my resources on a scale grand
This was the intent of my design…
And to its purpose I am resigned…
To be all my creator planned for me
And still more should the axe I see…
For whether by shade or shelter I serve
My duty will I diligently observe…
This is my Legacy…
To give without remorse or regret
May your life be as mine…
One none will soon forget…

Made Good Under Pressure
Copyright 2012 Michael Gibbowr
( Dedicated to Dr. Victor Frankl Author of: “Man’s Search For Meaning” )

I carry a piece of coal as a reminder to me
That under pressure our potential increases expediently
Some might scoff at this conclusion
As a hypothesis not studied nearly enough
I refer them to the millions of years required
To produce a Diamond in the Rough
An actual product of carbon
That when cut and polished with skill
Will surpass the radiance of any Gemstone
And its possessor’s expectations unequivocally fulfill
This portable international currency
Is valued in the best and worst of economy’s
Is sought after by the most renowned Geologists
To the most common of citizenry
And is adorned by every woman with unabashed gaiety
If you doubt the diamonds influence
You need only to look to fashion and its impact economically
But for the real and most reliable results
Ask any woman who’s engaged:
What expresses affection more significantly?
You’ll find the rarity of this piece of coal
Made good under pressure and time
Is the first choice of all
To say to someone you loveYou are one of a kind!
So I refer you back to my conclusion
That a piece of coal under pressure is an example for all to see
The potential hidden in all of us is significant
When we with patience preserver adversity…

The Shepherd and the Wolf
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr

A clever Wolf followed a fickle flock of sheep
In the care of a conscientious Shepherds Keep
This went on for quite some time
With no attempt at mischief of any kind

None-the-less the Shepherd remained steadfast
To protect his Flock from a threat perceived
Watching the Wolfs every movement
Preparing for the predator, trusting what he believed

Days and weeks passed with the Wolf
Keeping company about the Flock
But to the Shepherds amazement
He made no effort to seize his stock

In time the Shepherd began to view the Wolf
As a guardian ore his Sheep
Rather than a ravenous instrument against them
So one day when called away he left them in his Keep

The Wolf having circumstance and opportunity
Promptly fell upon the Flock
And in a frenzy… he destroyed the better part
Of all the Shepherds Stock

When the Shepherd returned to find this tragedy
He exclaimed: I’m to blame the Sheep had trusted me
And in a fools folly I consigned the innocent
To the Wolfs dreaded debauchery

The Wampanoag
A People Proud and Strong
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr

Chief Eagle Hawk and his son Swift Eagle
Of the Wampanoag Tribe
Were sitting at their Campfire contemplating
The mishaps of their People and Justice long denied

When Chief Eagle Hawk
Intent on encouraging his son
Told him not to forget his Ancestors
And the way things once were done

He said: The dignity of the Wampanoag
Is not in what we might possess…
As to wrongs wrought upon us
That the Great Spirit will redress

Meanwhile, let us remember
The meager means of the Pale Face
When our Native People
First came in contact with their Race

Their arrival to our shores
Was hardly as the harbinger of grace
Fact is, when we first observed them
They were plainly out of place

And so we thought who are these Fare Skinned Fools
Who know not how to work the Land
Nor do they show great skill in the Hunt
With such strange weapons in their command

Yes, it was thought preservation of our People
Might be better served leaving them to their fate
But we also knew The Great Spirit
Would not approve of hoarding or of hate

Knowing well our stores would sustain, us and them
We set out to teach them Natures ways
Sharing our meat and corn
Attempting to ensure good use of their days

Well, that kindness as you know
Proved our undoing in the end
For the Pale Skinned
Turned out to be no friend

The Wampanoag were as you know
Dispersed from our Ancestral Place
By the ungrateful…
Subjugating European Race

As to the remnants of our Tribe
We do as we’ve always done
Passing on our Traditions
From Father down to Son

From Mother down to Daughter
As it has ever been
In spite of our ill-treatment
By those of Pale Skin

As to these Europeans
Who’ve displaced all Native Tribes
We are not their Judge
Though Justice will not forever be denied

So it is we teach you to live among them
To learn their uncertain ways
For in time the Wampanoag will rise from the ashes
The Great Spirit granting us favor as in former days

This may not be tomorrow
Or in my time my Son
But I trust you will see our restoration
Before your days are done

The Campfire slowly dwindled down to embers
As twilight turned to dawn
An evening to be remembered
Especially now that Chief Eagle Hawk’ passed on

Passed from this Plane to join The Great Spirit
In the Happy Hunting Grounds
Where the Ways of the Wampanoag
Are always to be found…

While his Son Swift Eagle Father of Skylynn
Continues the Tradition of passing fond memories on
Yearning for when the Wampanoag and their Legacy
Are recognized as a People Proud and Strong…

Ode To Simpler Times
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr

Back when a Full Service, Service Station
Meant someone pumped your gas
Washed both front and back windshields
And checked your oil
Was courteous and presented you with coupons
For special promotional gifts…
It would be safe to say was a time
When we were spoiled

It was also a time when your Mechanic
Could diagnose and turn a wrench
In such a timely manner
It seemed to be a synch
Points, plugs and condenser
With an occasional fuel-injection Ride
Also meant you and me “Joe Public”
Could turn “Shady Tree Mechanic” with a sense of pride

It also meant that what you did know
Though minus volumes within the Trade
Was passed along from Father to Son
Beneath the backyard shade
Another upside of those simpler times
Was when stumped in the thick of a mechanical mix
You could get instruction and advice
From your Local Garage to get the problem fixed

This was also an unassuming time
When Air didn’t cost you a dime
When inspection stickers were about safety
And common sense guided an Inspectors mind
As for Octane… Well, Hi-Test, Leaded or Un-Leaded
Were as complicated as we thought it would get
Back when Regular, Premium and Super
Gave us performance without regret

Oh sure, there were voids
In design and accessibility
Like the lack of Seat Belts within Cars made of Steal
 That despite Steal Dashboards displayed dependability
Then there was the distinctness
Of a Chevy, Ford or Chrysler coming down the Road
When Sports-Cars, Sedans and such
Could not only perform but bear a load

Yes, Imports had their place
Like the Rover, Jaguar and MGB
There was even room for Mercedes, Porsche
Fiat, Volkswagen and others who crossed the Sea
But aside from my preference
For the temperamental MGB
I liked when you could look down the Road
And American Made dominated what you’d see…

Trade and Tradition
Copyright 2007 Michael Gibbowr

From an early age a Small Town Boy
Watched his Daddy Turn-a-Wrench
Whose skills were such
That he made it all appear a synch
Thus the Boy bit-by-bit learned every aspect
Of the Internal Combustion Engine
Along with the workings of every working part
Under-the-hood… to which he gave his full attention

His Daddy’s tutelage was casual and contemplative
So as not to overwhelm the Boy
Who unlike his Peers
Viewed every Vehicle as a Potential Toy
His interest and ingenuity Mechanically
Proved a marvel to all that he would meet
So much so that like his Daddy
He was recognized as a Facilitator of Motorized Feats

From Boyhood to Teenage Years
His skills would steadily grow
Until it seemed the Boy had learned
All that he could learn or know…
The Teenage Prodigy Graduated his Trade School
At the Top of his very Talented Class
And from there pursued an Engineering Degree
Where among Peers and Senior’s his skills surpassed

The young man went on to earn a Master’s and PhD
Within his chosen field
And in a career marked by innovative distinction
His skills and tutelage would many wonders yield
His Students and his Peers
All held his genius in awe
And never ceased to be amazed at his ability
To help them see the things they saw

Enabling the inquisitive to excel
And the average to explore
His Gift is said much like his Daddy’s
Who inspires you to want to be something more…
All of this would on the surface
Make for a story worthy to be told
But the real Bell-Ringer happens every weekend
When Mechanical Magic still unfolds

As Father, Son and now Grandson
In the same Garage turn a wrench
With each succeeding generation
Making it all appear a synch
You see the Small Town never lost its lure
To its attentive and Favored Son
Who loves his Daddy deeply…
And never forgot where his abilities had begun
Thus you’ll find him proudly working
With his Boy at his Daddy’s side
Passing on a Trade and Tradition
Passed on to him with pride…

Without Reprieve
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

An Autumn-Breeze gently rustles through the trees
The Southbound-Geese cackle melodically as they please
The squirrel continues to scurry-about as in times past
Preparing for Winter’s-Biting-Blast
The Fox ever-watchful of her Pups
Hunts nearby Fields for their sup

The Raccoon though nocturnal by Nature
Is not adverse to scavenging in the light of day
If palatable prospects
Present her way
The bountiful Songbirds of Early-Spring
Are now but few to fondly sing

Soon Winters-Breath will fill the Air
And blanket Browning Meadows with Snow to spare
The Mallards by then will have flown south too
That is all but a reluctant few
The Salmon will have already spawned
And been promptly fed upon

The Grizzly will Den-up for her scheduled sleep
The Caribou once past the Rut vigilance will keep
The Wolves will prowl more intent
To replenish stores they’ve spent
The Eagle will still majestically rule the sky
As one more Winter Passes-Bye

But as for today the sky is blue
With warm wistful winds passing through
And while I see the signs of what’s to come
I embrace the moment before it’s done
For this gentle day will not come again
It’s here but once then at an end

With a new day on its heels to dawn
To reveal its mysteries before it’s gone
Oh that we were more inclined to perceive
The wonders of our world without reprieve
Perhaps then we’d all grasp the fragility of fate
And embrace each moment before it’s too late 


 “Bark Syndrome”
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

Missing the Mark, the Target or Goal is just that…
But that doesn’t diminish the fallout
For failure to meet expectations
Or the deep sense of disappointment
In having lacked the capacity to close the deal
Whether it is in resisting a temptation
For which you are vulnerable to
Or completing a task to its desired end

But what separates us from the misguided minions
Who languish in their mishaps
Or anticlimactic outcome of their Objective
Is the willingness to pick ones self up
From the bottom of bemoanable behavior
And to brush off the dust and debris
Of discontent or guilt, fully prepared to fix our sights
Back upon the object of our intent

As for those who lack the capacity
To move beyond a particular setback or compunction
These are they who haven’t harnessed perspective
Regarding their particular position
Which simply put is…
A chronic case of “Bark Syndrome”
Or the inability to see the Forest for the Trees
With noses pressed to the Bark of circumstance

However, once a reasonable individual realizes
That circumstance is merely circumstantial
They are compelled to step back
From the “Bark of Bemoaning”
And continue on their course
Within Life’s Forest of Opportunities
Setting their sights on the Mark or Goal
Of Personal Progress

Sure, all of us have had a case of “Bark Syndrome”
At one point or another in our lives
That’s not tragic, it’s just Life…
But what’s a tragedy is when the ailment’s diagnosed
And the “Cure” is prescribed but discarded
Especially knowing that Perspective in our daily lives
While at times may elude our grasp
Is never far from reach

Which brings up the obvious
What will it take to keep our eyes on the “Prize”
Of Personal Progress… Mentally, Socially, Physically,
Financially and yes, Spiritually?
Perhaps it requires more introspective initiative
Within the Looking Glass of Life
And being willing to respectfully
Relate that insight to others
After all, a little perspective can go a long way
In recognizing the Forest of Opportunity here today

Copyright 2009 Michael Gibbowr

Trust... is Earned not Deserved
Judgment... is for Facts Reserved
Truth... is True on All Occasions
Common Sense... Suits All Situations
Laughter... is Medicine for the Soul
Tears... can Cleanse and Help Make Whole
Conversation... is Therapeutic for the Intellect
Listening...Teaches to Be Circumspect

Labor... instills Value of a Dollar Due
Leisure... Reveals the Inner You
Teaching... Teaches Patience and Humility
Learning... Unleashes Possibilities
Children... Personify Innocence Unhindered
Adults... Contemplate the Finite State of all Considered
Youth... is a Magical Time and Grace
Elderly... is a Well Earned Sense Of Place

Life... is for Living on Purpose Without Regret
Death... is the Final Toll of Mortal Debt
Happiness... is Contentment Found Within
Misery... is Misguided Measures That Never Win
Perhaps... herein you've Recovered
Lessons Learned or Truths Discovered
Perhaps... some of this is New To You
My Hope is you Consider The Above In All You Do...

The Call To Common Sense
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

Common Sense isn’t all that Common
We hear said time and again…
But still seem to take for granted
What we as individuals comprehend
Truth be told it’s more tolerable
To believe someone an exception to the rule
Rather than recognize another link
In what’s known as the Chain of Fools

I know this sounds cold and callous
But I’m being cruel to be kind
Since the only way to change ones actions
Is to change the State of Mind
To take nothing said or done for granted
To see beyond what’s before our eyes
To question intent and content
To discern the Truth from Lies

To embrace analytics and logic
With feet firmly set upon the ground
To appreciate Life’s Simplicity
While pondering the profound
Oh sure, there’ll always be Educated Idiots
With no sense of Practicality
Just as with illiterate Know it All’s
Who’ve never seen the inside of a University

But that’s not to say we shouldn’t strive
To live without pretense
In the elusive pursuit of spreading
The Call To Common Sense…


More Than That To Me
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

Tell you ‘bout a man
With calloused hands and feet of clay
Principled and practical
In an unapologetic way

He lived in the moment
Anchored in the past
A mountain in stature
Who’s shadow when cast

Struck fear in the heart
Of those unknown to him
But a comfort to family
And those he called friend

Tell you ‘bout a man
Who knew what he stood for
Wounded while fighting
The war to end all wars

Fact is… his generation
Preserved Democracy
Passing on the privilege of freedom
To both you and me

Tell you ‘bout a man
Held in high esteem
Who despite his hardships
Never ceased to laugh and dream

Always wanting better
For his family
And even with his flaws
Left an unmatched Legacy

Some knew him as a Carpenter
Or a Man who “Turned a Wrench”
Some knew the Musician, but all knew “The Guy”
You could turn to in a pinch

I knew him as Hero
But he was more than that to me
Fact is my Daddy died a better Man
Than I’ll ever live to be

Tell you ‘bout a man
Who accepted no excuse for excuses
In his view…
Apologies were useless

You either did what you said you’d do
Or he had nothing to do with you
Yea, he sure was an S.O.B. there’s no denying reality
But Daddy died a better man than I’ll ever live to be

Live Before You Die
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

Anyone who’s ever cast a baited line
Into a stocked pond, River or the Ocean deep
Has done so with the hope of hooking one
That’s the envy of anyone to keep
But as in life, not all fisherman are equal
Especially in this task…
Not that you would know it
Based on many you might ask

Facts however, are weighed-in
With the actual fish
Pound for pound, inch by inch
In-spite of the wanton wish
As for the guy
Not inclined to brag or boast
Odds are pretty fair
He’s fetched the biggest and the most

Oh sure he likes competition
But not for bragging rights
Rather to have known he gave his all
With filets to fry that night
As for me, I’ve dropped a few hook & lines
And have had my share to fry
But not for comparison
With the best of guys

For me it’s being on the water
That makes it a real treat
The bonus is when I get to bring home
Something good to eat
But then my intention has not been
To reveal myself to you
Rather, to recognize…
The best damn Fisherman I ever knew

No he wasn’t someone famous
But on the water he was well known
Because he and his boat The Jigster
Reeled many a trophy home
Saltwater and warm breezes
Were for him the sweet nectar of life
My Uncle Eddy was the Salt Of The Earth
With a wit as sharp as a knife

A Navy Man…
Who could barely swim
With an affinity for the Deep-Blue
That could always muster a hearty grin
Strippers were his specialty
Marlin his measured sport
A wild man on the water
On land the conservative sort

Practical not perfect
Though adamant in his views
If he said it, it was so…
With little room to be confused
My Uncle Eddy taught me many things
In my formative years
A man who like my Daddy
Did not give sway to fears

But perhaps the most poignant memory
Of this tough as nails guy
Came at his bedside
When he looked me in the eye
And made me promise
To be sure I live before I die…
As he prepared to pass this mortal realm
For that Great Fishing-Hole In The Sky

We spoke of many things that day
And found we shared so many similar points of view
And even learned we’d learned from each other
More than a thing or two
I of course proved the recipient
Of far more benefit from him
In cherished childhood memories
To numerous to list herein

As for Uncle Eddy, at heart he was a Fisherman
Not inclined to brag or boast
Someone who simply lived a hearty life
Though one remembered more than most
Now I’ve told you some about a man
Who loved to Fish his whole life through
A little ‘bout his impact on such as I…
But I wonder, when the tally of your days is due
Will there be those to speak in such terms
Of someone such as you…?
If not…
Perhaps it’s time you do

What Uncle Eddy required
Of someone such as I
To pledge to be among the fortunate
Who’ve learned to live before you die…

It’s Time…
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

Who am I ?
What is my Purpose in Life ?
Is there an Answer ?
What is it… ?

As to the First Question
You are among the Most Unique Within Your Species
An Irreplaceable Specimen of Potentiality
Capable of The Most Consequential Achievements
Ever Conceived by Mortal Man

Secondly, You were Designed
With a Specific Thought in Mind
To Pursue Expression of What Resides In You
Not To Mimic Another’s Attributes
But To Discover Your Own Pursuits

To Do What It Is That You Do Best…
To Question, Challenge and Explore, an Unyielding Quest
To Look into The Looking Glass of Life
And Cut Through the B.S. like a Razor-Edged-Knife
Going Beyond the Perceptions of the Conventional View
To Reveal That To Yourself, You’ve Remained True

And That In Its Entirety
Is What Purpose Has Intended For You To Pursue
Without Qualification
Paying The Price Required Of You

Thirdly, if up to now The Answer hasn’t been Clear
Pursuit of Your Personal Best means Facing Your Fears
In spite of Disappointments, Heartache or Tears
Yes, Purpose Requires Resilience From You
Giving Your All, In All That You Do
Fourth, and finely
If You’re Courageous Enough To Stay The Course
You’ll Learn to Find Meaning
Amidst Celebration and Loss
You’ll Live Life On Purpose…
Knowing Your Purpose
Is Uniquely Your Own
With an Unsatisfied Satisfaction
In Having Ventured Beyond Your Comfort Zone
More Importantly, you’ll have Expressed Personal Gifts
As Only Your Perspective Befits
Who am I ?
What is my Purpose in Life ?
Is there an Answer ?
What is it… ?
Well, now you Know…
So off with You…
It’s Time to Do
And Be
And Grow


Nature Is A Constant
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr

A Farmer in the Furrows
Fell upon an injured Fox
Too weak to flee
He soon found himself in a wooden box
The Farmer intent on dispatching the Carnivore
Upon returning to his Barn
And nailing his hide to the door
As a warning to others to move-on

But something happened unexpectedly
When the Farmer set out to seal the Fox’s fate
In looking into his eyes
He proceeded with pity instead of hate
Too weak to growl or express resistance
All the Fox could do is wine
Which seems to have had an influence
In the Farmers change of heart and mind

But the only practical place to put him
Was in a corner of the Chicken Coup by day
Since the daily activity of Farming
Anywhere else would find him in the way
So as the Farmer went about his chores
The Fox bedded-down outside the Henhouse doors
Too feeble to fetch a morsel on his own
The Farmer fed him Table-scraps when he got home

This went on for quite some time
The Fox by day in the Coup and at night in the Barn
With the Farmer and the Fox
Seeming to get along

After all, a Farmer nursing a Fox back-to-health
Was an unheard of curiosity
Not just for the two of them
But the whole Farming Community
Thus the Farmer was warned by mutual consent
No good can come of this arrangement
It’s un-natural and un-wise
Trouble will be your reward… so don’t be surprised

None-the-less the Farmer and the Fox
Continued as they had been
With the Fox recovering daily
Within the Chicken’s Pen
And after weeks of association
Even the Chickens got use to him
All seemed harmonious as he got healthy
Until one day temptation got the best of him

The Farmer while working in the Fields
Left the Henhouse open with the Fox still in the Coup
When he returned he found his Hens all dead
With the Fox still feasting on the Henhouse stoop
Well, as you could imagine
The Farmer was disappointed how things turned out
The Fox’s Hide ended up on the Barn door after all
But a valuable lesson came about 

If you put a Fox in the Henhouse
There’ll be Chicken for dinner every time
Since nature is a constant
Even if to its truths you are blind



NOTE: All Comments and Criticisms are Welcome
            in this brief homage to Aesop's Fables and
            Grimm's Fairytales, with a bit of a modern
            Twist... Really, You're Opinions Matter!!!




















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