Photo Have a Nice Day

Photo Have a Nice Day
Have a Nice Day

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Profound Privilege

Profound Privilege

For a good many years, I like many with my particular lineage defined my “Jewish Experience” by an unrelenting anger and contempt for those who had imposed their ideologies upon my ancestors at the edge of a sword. And while this disdain was justified, it was an inadequate means of expression of what it truly means to be a fully enfranchised Jew. This realization of course did not come easily nor was it something to which I was receptive to for many years. But, upon meeting a woman who would become a cherished friend, I was afforded the privilege of learning an unbiased assessment of the history of the Sephardim. Yes, she was an accomplished historian who knew her facts better than most. However, it was her acceptance of an Anusim with a life-long hunger for Heritage that began to open these eyes to the fullness of the “Jewish Experience”.

Actually, it is to Ruth and her Family that this collection of works has been dedicated. Fact is, my hope was to have had this published long before now in honor of her tireless efforts within the Jewish Community, as a means of expressing gratitude for all that she has meant to me, as well as all those who were fortunate enough to have known her. I’m sure by now you’ve surmised; Ruth is no longer with us. Sadly, she died not too long ago due to cancer. But even in her personal struggle with this physical malady, she remained intellectually, emotionally and spiritually attuned to what matters. I could write for hours about the impact Ruth had upon our little community, and still not even begin to scratch the surface of what she meant to those of us who knew her. Suffice it to say, mine is but one life that has been profoundly impacted by her, that in turn may yet in some small way benefit by word or deed the life of another Jew before my days are done.

As a descendant of Converso and Crypto Jews from Spain and Portugal, who were among the many baptized at the edge of a sword, I spent several years trying to understand the intolerance and cruelty of those who had stolen the identity and heritage of my family. But as already indicated the more I learned, the angrier I became, until I’d become consumed with contempt for those who had robbed my Family and I of the Benefit of a Traditional Jewish Upbringing. For those who haven’t experienced such a loss, I personally have no way of expressing how deeply it can impact ones life. On a personal level, it has required a lifetime to come to terms with such a history. But, in having come to terms with all of this, I have been fortunate enough to redefine my “Jewish Experience” in light of Judaism’s Positive attributes and the richness of Jewish Culture for all that it is, and can be.

Have I resolved all of my resentments? No, not by a long shot, but I have determined to no longer be defined by them, and to contemplate the continuity of the Jewish experience throughout history, while embracing the profound privilege of being a Jew in this day and age. And while I’m now among the fortunate to be defined by the uniqueness of Judaism’s timeless pursuit of the Torah’s truths, that also means I’m hoping to be measured by Mitzvah above all other means of acknowledgement known to modern man. That said it is probably worth mentioning, that as in life, there are a fair share of contradictions in this collection if you’ve a mind to see them. But, I’m not the sort to apologize for the obvious, or anything else for that matter. I’ve included all that I have because I’m of a mind that life is not simply a matter of black and white, but a cornucopia of colorful experiences, ideas, and opinions we ought to explore before coming to any conclusions. As to the harboring of hope beyond the horrors of the Holocaust or embracing a personal Sephardic heritage beyond the injustices of Exile and cruelty of the Inquisition… Well, I personally can’t explain it, but then light does appear to illuminate more profoundly in darkness, just a thought. Hey, I don’t pretend to have all of the answers to the whys and wherefores of our collective misfortune as a People. Fact of the matter is I still have more questions than answers myself. So while I’ve expressed ideas and opinions that are conclusive for me at this time, be assured they do not represent the sum total of all that I hope to know or believe tomorrow. My hope however, is that betwixt and between the questions and affirmations expressed here, you will find something that strikes a chord in the melody of your Jewish experience and pass it on.

1391 CE
Copyright 2015 Michael Gibbowr
(Dedicated to the Benei Anuism of Spain and Portugal)

Terror and Tormoil dominate the Iberian Domain
As Propigators of the PopeCommoners” Inflame
Filling Hearts and Minds with Anti-Semetic Guile
Promoting Acts of Violence Increasingly Vile
Murdering and Torturing
Much of the Jewish Population
While At The Edge Of The Sword Baptising Thousands
With No Remorse or Hesitation
Among those Forcibly Baptized
Were the Wealthy and Prominent Schollars
Tradesmen, Merchants, Financiers and Farmers
Along with those Living in Sqaller
Among the Provences Pursued
By the “Puppets of the Pope” were Baena,
Embraced Catholicism… to Escape a Demoralizing Death
While Inwardly Clinging to The Laws of Moses
With Every Tormented Breath!
Making The Pograms Of 1391
A turning point in Spain’s Jewish History
The Immediate Forerunner of the Inquisition
With All its Infamous Cruelty
Introduced As A Means Of Monitoring Forcibly Converted Jews
A People Purposfully Decimated
However, even with The Bloody Excesses of 1391
Popular Hatred of  Jews Continued Unabated
Which made the Edict of Expulsion of Jews
In 1492 No Surprise
Ending the Golden Age
Of Intellectual Achievements of the Sephardim with Lamenting Cries
This Calamity Proved Incalculable
For the Sephardic Population
Restricting Activity of a Third
Of The Beleaugered Hebrew Nation
Forced to keep their Faith a Secret
From Neighbors and once thought friends
Or face an even Crueler Fate
Few could Bear or Comprehend
So let’s review… Thousands Having Perished
In what was a Wave of Violent Assaults throughout that Tumultuous Year
It is said that a Third of the Jewish Population in The Iberian Peninsula
Were Murdered by Catholic Clergy driven mobs, instilling inescapable fear
This resulted in The Decimation of Centuries Old Communities
Many of which were Permanently Annihilated in those Atrocities
Several sources place the death toll to have been in the vicinity of 100,000 easily
Varying slightly more or less depending on the source historically
Beyond those Tragic Events the Jewish Population within The Peninsula
Suffered Ethnic, Social and Religious Carnage by way of Forced Baptisms
The “Catholic Religion” Precluding them from any further Open Participation
In the practice of their “Chosen Faith of Judaism
The Violation of That Particular Religious Expression
The Inquisitions “Grand Inquisitor” referred to as The Blasphemy of “Judaizing
Which Proved Punishable by Death in The Autos-da-fé
The Anusim or “Forced Ones” being left with No Room for Compromising
Worse yet The Benei Anusim enveloped Whole Communities including Rabbis
Making Their Catastrophe Complete and Inconsolable 
Then in 1492 what was left of that Dwindling Third of Spanish Jewry
Matriculated across Europe, North Africa and The Border to Neighboring Portugal
Thus the Year 1391 Remains a Year of Remembrance
And Collective Tragedy Amongst The Jewish Population
As well as Another Reason to Be Thankful for The Existence of Israel
A Safe-Haven for Jews The World Over… Our Democratic Sovereign Nation!


1492 CE
Copyright 2013 Michael Gibbowr
(Dedicated to the Benei Anuism of Spain and Portugal)

The year is Fourteen Hundred and ninety-two and the Expulsion Decree
Is enforced with Malice and Efficiency
Those unable to find Passage by Land or by Sea
Are Baptized at The Edge Of The Sword, though some bow Willingly
For after Hundreds of Years on The Iberian Peninsula
Leaving to Some is an Unbearable Plight
Most however will continue to Follow “Our Faith”
In Secret… long into the night…
By day wearing the “Cloak Of Rome
Converso’s and Crypto’s… a People Within a People, ALONE!
There are no easy choices to be made here
To Stay or to Go has the Prospect of Fear
Would that I had had an option
Other than that which was mine
To Live at Peace with The World
To Life’s miseries be blind
But for some reason, reasonable accommodations
Were not afforded me…
Made to Wander Place to Place
With little Rest or Security
Day to day Survival a Prospect to Pursue
Accommodations and Considerations afforded by few
This is No Complaint merely an Observation
Survival Requires Vigilance whatever your Vexations
But having seen the Vile Nature of Man
His Misdeeds and Cruelties on a scale grand
I daily Observe To Do what is Required of me
To Admonish, and Prepare others to Live Diligently
This course, of course has been my Ancestors Lot
To Remind The World what others Forgot
To Be Vigilant, as is Expected of Every Jew
Exiled Place to Place, a Scapegoat to The Ignorant Not Something New
And yet, we aspire to a Land of Our Own
Of Ancient Origin… a Place We Once Called Home!
May that Homeland in Judea once more Be Ours
To Rest and Be at Peace Beneath Jerusalem’s Stars
1497 CE
Benei Anusim
Copyright 2015 Michael Gibbowr
(Dedicated to the Benei Anuism of Spain and Portugal)

Drifting in a Sea of Pain
Floating down Memory Lane
Waves of Weariness Wash Over Me
Drowning in Misery
No More “The Captain of My Fate”
The Pilot of a Ship for which none will wait
Fated to Navigate Life’s Tumultuous Seas
Stripped of Sails and Ores, on an Uncharted Course of Uncertain Degrees
Deep Waters of Grief keep my Vessel Afloat
Her Tides Ever Changing Whisper Memories of Familiar Note
Coasting with the Tide and Current of Agony
Tossed to and fro with Remembrance Relentlessly

Donna Gracia Mendes
Born 1510 CE Died 1568 CE
Copyright 2005 Michael Gibbowr

O patron of the Poet
Matron of thy Kindred Seed
Ever-mindful daughter of Zion
Upholder of our Ancestral Creed

   We thine offspring of Tzedaka
Express our gratitude
For Comfort and for Sustenance
Amidst the inquisitional cruelty
Of the vulgar and the crude

Thine ‘twas the Hand of Kindness
Thine ‘twas the Heart of Hope
Thine the Mind of Prudence
In contrast to the propagation’s of the Pope

Conversos and Crypto’s baptized
By a Blood-Stained hand
Were tortured, dismembered and burned at the steak
As part of the inquisitions plan
To exact their ideology against the Seed of Abraham

   Thou too a daughter of this injustice
Refused to become downhearted
Awaiting the hour thy Crypto-Cloak might thoroughly be discarded
When the Robe of Ancestral Faith might lovingly be embraced
But ‘ere before reconciled thou didst do thy part

To ennoble thy Kindred Race
And when refuge in the land of Turkey ‘twas thy portion to be
Thou didst increase thine efforts
Towards those bound and free

To thee Noble Princes
A debt we Conversos and Cryptos owe
For ‘twas in our darkest hour
Thou dispensed Hope more than you know

Yea, even those spared baptism, though tormented
And exiled from place to place
They too were Heirs of Tzedaka
By thy hand, though not all face to face

To thee we ascribe Honor
Gratitude and humble Praise
For thou Donna Gracia of Portugal
Art a gift from The Ancient of Days